Mr. Biju C., Mrs. Leena, Mr. Suraj N., and Ms Jincy V. were the main resources for the program
Pic: Mr Suraj Sharing about Praise and Worship
Pic: Merlin leading a Praise and Worship
Mr. Biju and Mrs. Leena shared on how to work in the core team and how to build stronger Prayer meetings,
Mr. Suraj shared on how to lead an effective Praise and worship,
Ms Jincy spoke about how the Jesus youth movement grew in in Mangalore
Fr Melwin D’cunha, Pastor Jesus youth, Mangalore offered Mass on the first day,
Mr. Anil D. lead the adoration on the second day,
The number of participants were around 120,
Pic: Some participants engaged in a group activity
The Core team training was co-ordinated by Ms Jetty Elizabeth
The program coordinator was Ms Magi Abraham and
The Mobilization coordinator was Ms Anju Francis
Praise B To God!!!